Update for the Week Ending January 6, 2017
Site Remediation Continues
On-going activities:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of foam and BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pads, excavated areas, sumps and dewatering wells to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation of the WTP and discharge to the sewer;
- Continued deep excavation within the support of excavation (SOE) wall in the temporary containment building (TCB); and
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management for treatment and disposal:
- 201 trucks; 5,584.56 tons shipped this week; and
- 53,806.93 tons shipped to date.
Upcoming activities:
- Initiate backfilling the deep excavation with crushed and stockpiled reuse material; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) or odors.
The Action Limit of 150 ug/m3 for Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust] was exceeded on January 5, 2017, at AMS-3 due to trucks releasing their air brakes near the CAM station. The Contractor spread additional calcium chloride on the clean backfill, and PM levels returned to below the Response Limit.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Lining trucks prior to entering the Site for loading.
Loading lined trucks with impacted soil from the deep excavation in the TCB.
Applying foam to the excavation for VOC and odor control in the TCB.
Washing lined and loaded trucks on the decontamination pad prior to leaving the Site.
Update for the Week Ending January 13, 2017
Site Remediation Continues
On-going activities:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of foam and BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pads, excavated areas, sumps and dewatering wells to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation of the WTP and discharge to the sewer;
- Continued deep excavation within the support of excavation (SOE) wall in the temporary containment building (TCB);
- Initiated backfilling in the deep excavation with stone and reuse soil;
- Initiated compaction of the backfill; and
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management for treatment and disposal:
- 179 trucks; 4,610.49 tons shipped this week; and
- 61,457.75 tons shipped to date.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete the deep excavation in the TCB;
- Cut all SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final Site grade;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation;
- Disassemble and demobilize the TCB; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Breaking subsurface structures, stockpiling, and loading lined trucks with impacted soil from the deep excavation (30 feet below ground surface).
Completing excavation in the northeast corner of the deep excavation.
Placing geotextile and stone backfill on the northern portion of the completed excavation.
Placing stone on the geotextile in the northern portion of the completed excavation.
Transferring select fill from the stockpile to the TCB.
Grading stone backfill in the deep excavation area.
Grading and compacting lifts of reuse soil in the deep excavation.
Update for the Week Ending January 20, 2017
Site Remediation Continues
Deep Excavation Nears Completion
On-going activities:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of foam and BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pads, excavated areas, sumps and dewatering wells to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation of the WTP and discharge to the sewer;
- Continued deep excavation within the support of excavation (SOE) wall in the temporary containment building (TCB);
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation with stone, reuse soil, and select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts; and
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management for treatment and disposal:
- 59 trucks; 1,464.10 tons shipped this week; and
- 62,921.85 tons shipped to date.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete the deep excavation in the TCB;
- Cut all SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final Site grade;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation;
- Disassemble and demobilize the TCB; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Excavating, stockpiling, and loading lined trucks with impacted soils in the southern portion of the deep excavation (30 feet deep excavation limit).
Spreading select fill backfill over the reuse material in the deep excavation area.
Transferring select fill from the stockpile to the TCB.
Offloading select fill directly into the TCB.
Spreading select fill on the northern end of the deep excavation and stockpiling impacted material on the southern end of the deep excavation while applying foam for VOC and odor control.
Placing, grading, and compacting select fill backfill lifts.
Conducting compaction testing of the select fill backfill lifts.
Update for the Week Ending January 27, 2017
Site Remediation Continues
On-going activities:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of foam and BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pads, excavated areas, sumps and dewatering wells to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation of the WTP and discharge to the sewer;
- Continued the import of select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation with stone, reuse soil, and select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts; and
Upcoming activities:
- Complete the deep excavation in the TCB;
- Cut all SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final Site grade;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation;
- Disassemble and demobilize the TCB; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Offloading imported select fill to the eastern area of the Site.
Pressure washing the select fill delivery truck tires prior to exiting the Site.
Transferring reuse soil from the western area stockpile into the TCB.
Grading reuse soil backfill in the southern portion of the deep excavation.
Grading select fill backfill over demarcation fabric in the northern portion of the deep excavation.
Transferring, grading, and compacting select fill in the deep excavation.
Grading, compacting and testing select fill backfill lifts in the deep excavation.
Changing the catch basin sediment filter fabric on Kent Avenue.
Update for the Week Ending February 3, 2017
Site Remediation Continues
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of foam and BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pads, excavated areas, sumps and dewatering wells to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation of the WTP and discharge to the sewer;
- Continued the import of select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation with stone, reuse soil, and select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts; and
- Initiated cutting the support of excavation (SOE) wall tiebacks and removing whalers and bracing.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete the deep excavation in the temporary containment building (TCB);
- Cut all SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final Site grade;
- Disassemble and demobilize the TCB;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Placing and grading select fill and reuse soil backfill.
Placing and grading select fill backfill to create an east side equipment access ramp.
Compacting select fill backfill lifts.
Compacting the select fill backfill lifts along the perimeter of the SOE wall sheet piles.
Cutting tiebacks and whalers on the northern SOE wall.
Creating a protected work platform for the excavation of the remaining impacted soils in the southwest corner of the deep excavation (30 feet depth).
Update for the Week Ending February 3, 2017
Site Remediation Continues
Deep Excavation Nears Completion
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of foam and BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pads, excavated areas, sumps and dewatering wells to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation of the WTP and discharge to the sewer;
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management for treatment and disposal:
- 11 trucks; 292.85 tons shipped last week; and
- 63,214.70 tons shipped to date.
- Removed the last remaining dewatering well in the deep excavation;
- Continued the import of select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation with stone, reuse soil, and select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Continued cutting the support of excavation (SOE) wall tiebacks and removing whalers and bracing; and
- Decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Recently Completed:
- Completed the deep excavation in the temporary containment building (TCB).
Upcoming activities:
- Cut all SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final Site grade;
- Disassemble and demobilize the TCB;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Excavating and loading lined trucks with the last impacted soil from the deep excavation (30 feet deep).
Lining trucks prior to being loaded with impacted soil from the deep excavation.
Placing stone over the geotextile fabric in the completed deep excavation area.
Compacting reuse soil backfill lifts in the deep excavation.
Installing orange demarcation fabric over the reuse soil backfill.
Placing and grading select fill backfill lifts.
Compacting testing the select fill backfill lifts.
Pressure washing equipment on the decontamination pad prior to demobilizing from the Site.
Update for the Week Ending February 17, 2017
Site Remediation Continues
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of foam and BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pads to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation and maintenance of the WTP and discharge to the sewer;
- Continued the import of select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation with select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the western shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Recently Completed:
- Completed cutting the support of excavation (SOE) wall tiebacks and removing whalers and bracing; and
Upcoming activities:
- Disassemble and demobilize the TCB from the Site;
- Cut all SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final Site grade;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Placing and grading select fill backfill in the deep excavation.
Compacting select fill backfill lifts in the deep excavation.
Removing tiebacks, whalers, and bracing from the SOE wall sheet piles.
CDisconnecting and dismantling the vapor management system components from the TCB.
Washing select fill delivery truck tires prior to leaving the Site.
Update for the Week Ending February 24, 2017
Site Remediation Continues
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pads to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation and maintenance of the WTP;
- Initiated the disassembly of the temporary fabric structure (TCB);
- Continued the import of select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the western shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Upcoming activities:
- Cut all SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final Site grade;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) or odors.
The Action Limit of 150 ug/m3 for Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust] was exceeded at AMS-3 on February 23, 2017 from 1:31 to 1:46 pm. During that time, SES was scraping and grading soil near the station. The Contractor moved to a different task, and dust concentrations returned to normal operational conditions.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Grading select fill backfill lifts in the western shallow excavation area.
Compacting and testing select fill backfill lifts in the western shallow excavation area.
Disassembling the TCB vapor management system (VMS) components.
Demobilizing disassembled VMS components from the Site.
Decontaminating heavy equipment prior to demobilizing from the Site.
Removing fabric from the northern gable end of the TCB.
Removing fabric from the southern end of the TCB.
Removing fabric from the TCB.
Removing fabric from the TCB.
Update for the Week Ending March 3, 2017
Site Remediation Continues
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation and maintenance of the WTP;
- Continued the disassembly of the temporary fabric structure (TCB);
- Continued backfilling in the eastern shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Upcoming activities:
- Cut all SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final Site grade;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) or odors.
The Action Limit 150 ug/m3 for Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust] was exceeded at AMS-3 on February 28, 2017, from 8:09 a.m. to 8:26 a.m. During this time, an excavator’s exhaust was observed blowing onto the station. When the equipment was relocated, dust levels returned to normal operational conditions.
The Action Limit of 150 ug/m3 for dust was exceeded at AMS-3 on March 2, 2017 from 1:41 p.m. to 2:04 p.m. During this time, the vapor management system carbon beds were being moved during high winds. The Contractor applied water to the area, and dust concentrations returned to normal operational conditions.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Removing fabric from the TCB.
Disassembling the TCB fabric and supports.
Disassembling the TCB superstructure.
Disassembling the TCB superstructure.
Preparing the TCB components for demobilization from the Site.
Decontaminating equipment prior to demobilization from the Site.
Update for the Week Ending March 10, 2017
Site Remediation Nears Completion
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water and calcium chloride for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation and maintenance of the WTP;
- Continued backfilling in the eastern shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Initiated cutting the support of excavation (SOE) wall sheet piles to five feet below final grade; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Recently Completed:
- Completed the disassembly of the temporary fabric structure (TCB).
Upcoming activities:
- Install two NAPL recovery wells along N. 12th Street;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Removing fabric from the TCB.
Disassembling the TCB superstructure.
Disassembling the TCB superstructure.
Preparing the TCB superstructure components for demobilization from the Site.
Placing and grading the select fill backfill lifts in the eastern shallow excavation area.
Compacting the select fill backfill lifts.
Compaction testing the select fill backfill lifts.
Cutting the southern SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final grade.
Cutting the western SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final grade.
Removing sediment and decontaminating two WTP storage tanks.
Update for the Week Ending March 17, 2017
Site Remediation Nears Completion
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water and calcium chloride for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation and maintenance of the WTP;
- Continued backfilling in the eastern shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Continued cutting and initiated removal of the support of excavation (SOE) wall sheet piles to five feet below final grade; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Upcoming activities:
- Install two NAPL recovery wells along N. 12th Street;
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation; and
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Cutting the northern SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final grade.
Cutting and removing the western SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final grade.
Cutting and removing the western SOE wall sheet piles to five feet below final grade.
Sheet piles removed from the western SOE wall.
Update for the Week Ending March 24, 2017
Site Remediation Nears Completion
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water and calcium chloride for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad to the water treatment plant (WTP);
- Continued operation and maintenance of the WTP;
- Continued treatment and discharge of water to the sewer;
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal:
- 4 trucks; 96.22 tons shipped last week; and
- 63,330.42 tons shipped to BSM to date.
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Initiated cutting drainage slots along the perimeter of the support of excavation (SOE) wall sheet piles;
- Initiated the decontamination of the WTP components;
- Initiated the installation of two NAPL recovery wells along N. 12th Street;
- Initiated the abandonment of Site wells; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Recently Completed:
- Completed cutting and removal of the support of excavation (SOE) wall sheet piles to five feet below final grade; and.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation;
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area;
- Import and place topsoil;
- Hydroseed the Site;
- Replace damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street; and
- Install fencing around the 50 Kent Avenue property.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
The Action Limit of 150 ug/m3 for Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust] was exceeded on March 21, 2017, at AMS-1 from 11:32 a.m. to 12:06 p.m. During that time, an excavator with a faulty turbo was creating large plumes of exhaust near the station. Once the excavator was moved, dust concentrations returned to operational conditions.
The Action Limit for dust was exceeded on March 22, 2017, at AMS-2 from 2:25 p.m. to 5:04 p.m. During that time, high winds and strong gusts were creating plumes of dust from the clean select fill backfill. Due to icy conditions, water was not applied to site surface. Dust concentrations returned to normal operational conditions once the winds subsided.
The Action Limit for dust was exceeded on March 23, 2017, at AMS-2 from 8:13 a.m. to 8:28 a.m. During that time, the Contractor was using a hoe-ram to break up pieces of concrete. Sheets of plastic were laid over the pieces of concrete to complete the breaking, and dust concentrations returned to normal operational conditions.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
SOE wall sheet piles cut and removed to five feet below final grade.
Clearing backfill along the SOE wall sheet piles to cut drainage slots.
Drainage slots cut in the SOE wall sheet piles.
Preclearing (nonmechanically) to five feet below ground surface prior to installing NAPL recovery wells.
Drilling to install NAPL recovery wells along N. 12th Street.
Loading lined trucks with impacted soils for shipment to Bayshore Soil Management for treatment and disposal.
Update for the Week Ending March 31, 2017
Site Remediation Nears Completion
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water and calcium chloride for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad and water treatment plant (WTP) component decontamination to the WTP;
- Continued operation and maintenance of the WTP;
- Continued treatment and discharge of water to the sewer;
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal:
- 14 trucks; 329.53 tons shipped last week; and
- 63,659.95 tons shipped to BSM to date.
- Continued the import of select fill backfill to the Site;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation with select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the western shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Continued the decontamination of the WTP components;
- Continued the abandonment of Site wells; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Recently Completed:
- Completed the installation of two NAPL recovery wells along N. 12th Street; and
- Completed cutting drainage slots along the perimeter of the support of excavation (SOE) wall sheet piles.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation;
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area;
- Import and place topsoil;
- Hydroseed the Site;
- Replace damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street; and
- Install fencing around the 50 Kent Avenue property.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Loading lined trucks with impacted soil for shipment to Bayshore Soil Management for treatment and disposal.
Vacuuming impacted sediment from the WTP storage tanks into boxes for shipment to Clean Earth for treatment and disposal.
Offloading select fill backfill on Site.
Placing select fill backfill in the deep excavation area.
Grading and compacting select fill backfill lifts in the deep excavation area.
Compacting and testing select fill backfill lifts in the deep excavation area.
Drilling to install a NAPL recovery well along N. 12th Street.
Abandoning a site well no longer needed.
Update for the Week Ending April 7, 2017
Site Remediation Nears Completion
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water and calcium chloride for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad and water treatment plant (WTP) component decontamination to the WTP;
- Continued operation and maintenance of the WTP;
- Continued treatment and discharge of water to the sewer;
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal:
- 2 trucks; 49.32 tons shipped last week; and
- 63,709.27 tons shipped to BSM to date.
- Continued the import of select fill backfill to the Site;
- Continued backfilling in the western shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Continued the decontamination of the WTP components;
- Continued the abandonment of Site wells; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation;
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area;
- Import and place topsoil;
- Hydroseed the Site;
- Replace damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street; and
- Install fencing around the 50 Kent Avenue property.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Offloading select fill backfill imported to the Site.
Grading select fill backfill in the western shallow excavation area.
Compacting and testing select fill backfill lifts in the western shallow excavation area.
Abandoning Site wells no longer needed.
Abandoning Site wells and developing new NAPL recovery wells.
Update for the Week Ending April 14, 2017
Site Remediation Nears Completion
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water and calcium chloride for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad and water treatment plant (WTP) component decontamination to the WTP;
- Continued operation and maintenance of the WTP;
- Continued treatment and discharge of water to the sewer;
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal:
- 2 trucks; 33.22 tons shipped last week; and
- 63,742.49 tons shipped to BSM to date.
- Continued the import of select fill backfill to the Site;
- Continued backfilling in the western shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Continued the decontamination of the WTP components;
- Continued the abandonment of Site wells; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation;
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area;
- Import and place topsoil;
- Hydroseed the Site;
- Replace damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street; and
- Install fencing around the 50 Kent Avenue property.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Offloading select fill backfill in the deep excavation area.
Offloading and placing select fill backfill in the deep excavation area.
Placing, grading, and compacting select fill backfill in the deep excavation area.
Surveying backfill grades on Site.
Compacting select fill backfill lifts in the western shallow excavation area.
Compacting testing select fill backfill lifts in the western shallow excavation area.
Demobilizing a decontaminated WTP storage tank from the Site.
Cleaning select fill backfill delivery trucks prior to exiting the Site.
Update for the Week Ending April 21, 2017
Site Remediation Nears Completion
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water and calcium chloride for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad and water treatment plant (WTP) component decontamination to the WTP;
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal:
- 4 trucks; 33.22 tons shipped last week; and
- 63,742.49 tons shipped to BSM to date.
- Continued the import of select fill backfill to the Site;
- Continued backfilling in the eastern shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Continued the decontamination of the WTP components;
- Continued the abandonment of Site wells; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Recently Completed:
- Completed treatment and discharge of water from the WTP to the sewer.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation and eastern shallow excavation areas;
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area;
- Import and place topsoil;
- Hydroseed the Site;
- Replace damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street; and
- Install fencing around the 50 Kent Avenue property.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Offloading select fill backfill on Site.
Grading, compacting, and compaction testing select fill backfill lifts.
Applying water for dust control on Site.
Vacuum truck removing carbon from the WTP filter vessels.
Demobilizing a decontaminated WTP storage tank from the Site.
Loading lined trucks with impacted soil for shipment to Bayshore Soil Management for treatment and disposal.
Washing select fill backfill truck tires prior to exiting the Site.
Update for the Week Ending April 28, 2017
Site Remediation Nears Completion
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water and calcium chloride for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad and water treatment plant (WTP) component decontamination to the WTP storage tank;
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal:
- 4 trucks; 101.03 tons shipped last week; and
- 63,941.84 tons shipped to BSM to date.
- Continued the import of select fill backfill to the Site;
- Continued backfilling in the eastern shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Continued the decontamination of the WTP components; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete backfilling in the deep excavation and eastern shallow excavation areas;
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area;
- Import and place topsoil;
- Hydroseed the Site;
- Replace damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street; and
- Install fencing around the 50 Kent Avenue property.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Offloading select fill backfill on Site.
Loading lined trucks with impacted soil for shipment to Bayshore Soil Management for treatment and disposal.
Loading decontaminated WTP filter vessels for demobilization from the Site.
Demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Decontaminating WTP components prior to demobilizing from the Site.
Grading select fill backfill lifts in the western shallow excavation area.
Compacting and compaction testing select fill backfill lifts in the eastern shallow excavation area.
Update for the Week Ending May 5, 2017
Site Remediation Nears Completion
Site Restoration Underway
Deep Excavation Nears Completion:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Continued the application of BioSolve for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], and odor control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site and covered all stockpiles);
- Continued pumping from the decontamination pad and water treatment plant (WTP) component decontamination to the last remaining WTP storage tank;
- Continued shallow excavation in the western areas of the Site;
- Continued lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal:
- 11 trucks; 1,194.74 tons shipped last week; and
- 65,136.58 tons shipped to BSM to date.
- Continued the import of select fill backfill to the Site;
- Continued backfilling in the eastern shallow excavation area with select fill;
- Continued backfilling in the deep excavation area with select fill;
- Continued compaction of the backfill lifts;
- Continued compaction testing of the backfill lifts;
- Continued the decontamination of the WTP components;
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site; and
- Initiated Site perimeter preparation for new fencing and damaged sidewalk replacement.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete backfilling in the deep and shallow excavation areas;
- Complete excavation and backfilling in the western shallow excavation area;
- Import and place topsoil;
- Hydroseed the Site;
- Replace damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street;
- Install fencing around the 50 Kent Avenue property; and
- Complete the demobilization of equipment from the Site and support areas along N. 12th Street.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Offloading select fill backfill on Site.
Compacting select fill backfill lifts in the western shallow excavation area.
Compaction testing select fill backfill lifts in the western shallow excavation area.
Excavating impacted soil in the western shallow excavation area.
Breaking subsurface concrete structures in the western shallow excavation area and applying water for dust control.
Installing liners in the trucks prior to entering the Site.
Loading lined trucks with impacted soil from the western shallow excavation area.
Demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Update for the Week Ending May 12, 2017
Site Remediation Completed
Site Restoration Underway
On-going activities:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site);
- Continued final grading of select fill in preparation for top soil placement;
- Initiated the import and stockpiling of top soil on Site;
- Initiated the shipment of vacuum boxes of sediment from the WTP storage tank decontamination to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal;
- Initiated the installation of Site fencing;
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site; and
- Continued Site perimeter preparation for new fencing and damaged sidewalk replacement.
- Completed shallow excavation in the western areas of the Site;
- Completed lining and loading trucks and shipping impacted soil to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal:
- 5 trucks; 2 vacuum boxes of sediment from the WTP storage tanks;
- 1,194.74 tons shipped last week; and
- 65,136.58 tons shipped to BSM to date.
- Completed pumping from the decontamination pad and water treatment plant (WTP) component decontamination to the last remaining WTP storage tank;
- Completed the decontamination of the WTP components;
- Completed the import of select fill backfill to the Site;
- Completed backfilling in the deep and shallow excavation areas with select fill;
- Completed compaction of the backfill lifts; and
- Completed compaction testing of the backfill lifts.
Upcoming activities:
- Import and place topsoil;
- Hydroseed the Site;
- Replace damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street;
- Install fencing around the 50 Kent Avenue property; and
- Complete the demobilization of equipment from the Site and support areas along N. 12th Street.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Offloading select fill backfill to the Site.
Loading lined trucks with impacted soil for shipment to BSM for treatment and disposal.
Loading vacuum boxes of impacted sediment for shipment to BSM for treatment and disposal.
Grading select fill backfill in the eastern shallow excavation area.
Compaction testing select fill backfill lifts in the western shallow excavation area.
Surveying backfill grades on Site.
Offloading and stockpiling top soil on Site.
Update for the Week Ending May 19, 2017
Site Restoration Underway
On-going activities:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site);
- Continued final grading of select fill in preparation for top soil placement;
- Continued the import and stockpiling of top soil on Site;
- Continued the installation of Site fencing;
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site; and
- Continued Site perimeter preparation for new fencing and damaged sidewalk replacement.
- Completed the shipment of vacuum boxes of sediment from the WTP storage tank decontamination to Bayshore Soil Management (BSM) for treatment and disposal.
Upcoming activities:
- Remove the sound attenuating barrier around the perimeter of the Site;
- Place and grade topsoil;
- Hydroseed the Site;
- Replace damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street; and
- Complete the demobilization of equipment from the Site and support areas along N. 12th Street.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC), Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust], or odors.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 982-7349.
Photos of Activity
Cleaning around the Site perimeter in preparation for fence and sidewalk installation.
Drilling to install Site fence posts.
Installing fence posts along N. 12th Street.
Grading select fill backfill in preparation for top soil placement.
Offloading top soil on Site.
Shipping sediment vacuum boxes to BSM for treatment and disposal.
Update for the Week Ending June 2, 2017
Site Restoration Nears Completion
On-going activities:
- Continued the application of water for dust control;
- Maintained erosion and sediment (E&S) controls (Installed waddles - wood chip and straw filled fabric tubes - around the Site perimeter to prevent silt and sediment from leaving the Site);
- Continued the import and stockpiling of top soil on Site;
- Continued the placement and grading of top soil;
- Continued the replacement of damaged sidewalks along N. 12th Street, Kent Avenue, and N. 11th Street;
- Continued Site perimeter preparation for new fencing and damaged sidewalk replacement; and
- Continued decontaminating and demobilizing equipment from the Site.
- Completed the installation of Site fencing;
- Completed the final grading of select fill in preparation for top soil placement; and
- Completed the removal of the sound attenuating barrier around the perimeter of the Site.
Upcoming activities:
- Hydroseed the Site; and
- Complete the demobilization of equipment from the Site and support areas along N. 12th Street.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, continues as intrusive (ground disturbance) activities are conducted.
There were no 15-minute Action Limit exceedances for Particulate Matter (PM-10) [dust].
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 403-3053.
Photos of Activity
Grading select fill backfill.
Installing Site fencing along Kent Avenue.
Installing fencing along North 12th Street.
Removing sound attenuating barrier along North 12th Street.
Placing and grading topsoil.
Offloading topsoil.
Replacing sidewalks along North 11th Street.
Replacing sidewalks along Kent Avenue.
Removing damaged sidewalks along North 12th Street.
Placing topsoil.
New site fencing and sidewalks along Kent Avenue.
Demobilizing equipment from the Site.
Update for the Week Ending June 16, 2017
Site Restoration Underway
On-going activities:
- Continued the replacement and installation of sidewalks on Kent Avenue, North 11th Street, and 12th Street; and
- Continued the demobilization of electrical service equipment from support areas on North 12th Street.
- Completed the decontamination and demobilization of equipment from the Site;
- Completed the installation of sidewalks on Kent Avenue and North 11th Street;
- Completed the import, placement, and grading of topsoil; and
- Hydroseeded the Site.
Upcoming activities:
- Complete the demobilization of electrical service equipment from the support areas on N. 12th Street;
- Complete the replacement and installation of sidewalks on North 12th Street; and
- Install permanent fencing and gates across N. 12th Street.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, was completed on May 31, 2107, with the completion of all intrusive activities on Site.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 982-7349.
Photos of Activity
Placing and grading topsoil.
Completing sidewalk installation on Kent Avenue.
Installing sidewalk on North 11th Street.
Completing sidewalk installation on North 11th Street.
Completing sidewalk installation on North 11th Street.
Hydroseeding the Site.
Aerial view of the hydroseeded Site.
Update for the Week Ending August 4, 2017
Site Restoration Nears Completion
On-going activities:
- Continued post remediation NAPL recovery from the Site recovery wells along North 11th Street and North 12th Street; and
- Continued erosion and sediment control measures until the next hydroseeding event scheduled for September 2017 in accordance with NYC Parks specifications.
- Completed the demobilization of electrical service equipment from the support areas on N. 12th Street;
- Completed the replacement and installation of sidewalks on North 12th Street; and
- Installed permanent fencing and gates across N. 12th Street.
Upcoming activities:
- Hydroseed the Site in September 2017; and
- Adjust the Site fence height to final Site grade.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, was completed on May 31, 2107, with the completion of all intrusive activities on Site.
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the Site, please use the Williamsburg MGP Telephone Hotline at (718) 982-7349.
Photos of Activity
Installing sidewalks on North 12th Street.
Installing sidewalks on North 12th Street.
Completing sidewalk installation on North 12th Street.
Completing sidewalk installation on North 12th Street.
Installing permanent fencing and gates across North 12th Street.
Fence and gates installed across North 12th Street.
Site view August 2017.