50 Kent Avenue IRM Construction Completion Reports
Appendices to the construction complete reports are available upon request. Please e-mail info@williamsburgmgpsite.com for additional information or contact the NYC Hotline at (718) 982-7349.
Parcels 3 and 4
Williamsburg Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum - Parcels 3 and 4
Williamsburg Construction Completion Report Text
Williamsburg Construction Completion Report Tables
Recovery Wells
Interim Remedial Measure NAPL Recovery Wells Constructions Completion Report
Remedial Investigation
Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum - Parcels 3 and 4 Portion of K - Williamsburg Works Site
Remedial Investigation for Williamsburg former MGP
Appendix A - Historical Documents
Appendix B (1 of 7) - Other Investigations
Appendix B (2 of 7) - Other Investigations
Appendix B (3 of 7) - Other Investigations
Appendix B (4 of 7) - Other Investigations
Appendix B (5 of 7) - Other Investigations
Appendix B (6 of 7) - Other Investigations
Appendix B (7 of 7) - Other Investigations
Appendix C - Historical Information
Appendix D - Exponent-Williamsburg-Report
Appendix E - Environmental Data Records
Appendix F - Test Pit Logs
Appendix G - Boring Logs
Appendix H - CAMP Data
Appendix I - Slug Test Calculations
Appendix J (1 of 5) - DUSRs COCs and Form 1s
Appendix J (2 of 5) - DUSRs COCs and Form 1s
Appendix J (3 of 5) - DUSRs COCs and Form 1s
Appendix J (4 of 5) - DUSRs COCs and Form 1s
Appendix J (5 of 5) - DUSRs COCs and Form 1s
Appendix K - Guidance for Eval Soil Vapor
Appendix L - NYSDEC - NHP FWRIA Response
Interim Site Management Plan
Interim Site Management Plan - K – Williamsburg Works Former MGP Site Rev01
Interim Remedial Measure
Interim Remedial Measure Design Investigation for the 50 Kent Avenue Parcel – February 2013
Interim Remedial Measure Supplemental Pre-Design Investigation Report for the 50 Kent Avenue Parcel – July 2013
Interim Remedial Measure – 100% Design for the 50 Kent Ave Property Holder Area – June 2015
Geotechnical Pre-Design Investigation Report for the 50 Kent Avenue Property Holder Area – June 2015
Pre-characterization Investigation Report, Interim Remedial Measure – June 2015
Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP) for Williamsburg Works Former MGP Site – September 2015
Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Remedial Investigation Work Plan for Williamsburg former MGP
Appendix A - Historical Documents
Appendix B - Environmental Records
Appendix C - CAMP
Appendix D - FSP
Appendix E - HASP
Appendix F - QAPP
Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum for Williamsburg former MGP - Additional Borings
Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum for Williamsburg former MGP
Interim Remedial Measure - 50 Kent Parcel
IRM Supplemental PDI Work Plan, February 2013
IRM Design and Implementation Plan, April 2013
IRM NAPL Recovery Well Work Plan, October 2013
50 Kent Final IRM Design WP August 05, 2011